Wilma Pearl Mankiller
Wilma Pearl Mankiller (1945-2010) was a Cherokee activist, social worker, community developer and the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. The family surname "Mankiller", Asgaya-dihi in the Cherokee language, refers to a traditional Cherokee military rank, similar to a captain or major, or to a shaman with the ability to avenge wrongs through spiritual methods
via Jeanne Love, August 11, 2020
Good morning, sister. I am privileged to walk among you and very grateful to be with you today.
For today I come with no great “reveal”, no great prophecy, for those have all been pretty much written in your earth world. What I do bring today is my love, assistance, and comfort for the trouble that is currently walking this planet. When the need for truth to be seen and the illusions to die create this rift in the ethers, this shift in the veil of cosmic life will begin to take place.
There are many, many spirit beings from all kinds of places who have joined us for this time of great awakening. DO NOT DOUBT that it is happening, no matter the appearance. True visionaries do not look at the darkness and say,” We are done here. Oh, well.” True visionaries look at the appearance of darkness and say,” We must bring more light so that the future will show up with dignity and balance.”
MORE LIGHT…that is what I am bringing to you today my dear sister Jeanne…more light. As you concentrate on the goodness of humanity and forgive the youthful disregard of the young souls, I would encourage you to monitor even more closely your words, thoughts and perception of the earth and the activity of those who are less grounded than the older, more aware souls. For if you are all Light Bringers then you must see ONLY the Light and call IT forth. There is tremendous power in this type of vision work. And it is important to realize that bringing the Light will expose the darkness. But, and I say this with reverence…how do we exorcise the darkness with only the light shining brightly?
The Light is everything. It holds deep consciousness, awareness of Creation, the Beauty of the Divine Mother. The illusions which mankind has created cannot hold a candle against the division and obstinate difficulties of a broken world.
How do you think we all got here in the first place? The Light…and within the light the codes of creation…it is and has always been up to us as to what we do with it.
In my last incarnation I chose to be very connected to the Cherokee nation, to clear some wrongs and bring a new picture of freedom and purpose. I was no saint, but I did have a vision and that vision was to bring a deep and extremely strong connection to the creation of the indigenous nation. I came to stand in my truth, to become unmovable in my convictions for right action with the Indigenous nations. And though I spoke primarily for the Cherokee nation I ultimately influenced many other First Nation souls to stand their ground and fight for their right to be citizens of the earth. To be recognized, honored and released from the chains of prejudice and greed that the “white men souls” created against us in their young and broken understanding of the purpose of life, its origins and meaning to this planet.
It was brutal at times and I would often flounder privately in my despair for the ugly behaviors from others who felt we were “Less than…”. But in the end my vision prevailed within me, allowing me to walk further and push further into the order of the world, promoting justice and forgiveness and right action for the future of all tribes.
My dear sister -- all my “sisters” -- it is through the wisdom of your visions that our world will begin to shift once again to the Light of Creation. I encourage you to step up, step forward and to use a phrase from one of Hollywood’s movies: Never give up. Never surrender. This phrase is powerful in helping those so engaged to change the world to see themselves moving constantly, step by step, forward. Keep your “blinders” on. That is meant with deep respect because if your vision gets contaminated by the sadness and despair that so many feel, then the vision loses its power to heal.
I am forever grateful to be able to speak these words through you today Jeanne. I march forward into the Light with all of you. And if I might add, I will also join you on the horizon where the beacon of Light shines its brightest light bringing us home. John (Denver) has a gift for painting pictures with his music and his words.
[To understand this “Light on the horizon”reference, please see John Denver’s August 6, 2020 message on this site.]
It is important to note that all of us who have given messages to you are part of a much bigger coalition of friends, allies and cosmic souls. We stand united, each in our own way. We continue to hold this precious vision of forward motion for all of you and promise to touch those who find their way to these messages with all of our love and support.
Wilma Mankiller